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Malloc Typedef Struct Problems

I am working on building a threads library and for some reason have run into a simple malloc problem that I can't fix right now. I'm sure it's something simple I'm just missing it.

In my main.c I have the following code:

//declare testSem
tasem_t testSem;

int main(int argc, char **argv){

    //initialize testSem
    ta_sem_init(&testSem, 5);
    //wait test

the relevant code in my thread library is as follows:

void ta_sem_init(tasem_t *sema, int value)

    //malloc the semaphore struct
    sema = malloc(sizeof(tasem_t));

    //error check
    if(sema == NULL)
        printf("could not malloc semaphore");

    //initialize with the given value
    sema->val = value;
    printf("SemaVal = %i\n", sema->val);

void ta_sem_wait(tasem_t *sema)
    printf("SemaVal = %i\n", sema->val);

    if(sema->val <= 0)
        //not done yet
        printf("SemaVal = %i\n", sema->val);
        sema->val = sema->val + 1;

Here is the struct from my header file:

//struct to store each semas info
typedef struct tasem_t_struct
    int val;
        //Q* Queue
        //int numThreads


The output I get from this is:

SemaVal = 5 SemaVal = 0 SWAPPING

So evidently, I'm not mallocing my struct correctly as the value inside is lost once I go out of scope. I know I must just be forgetting something simple. Any ideas?

You can't seem to decide who's responsible for allocating your tasem_t structure. You have a global variable for it and pass its address to ta_sem_init . But then you have ta_sem_init dynamically allocate a brand new tasem_t structure, saving its address to sema , a local function argument, so that address gets lost when it falls out of scope.

Pick one, either:

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