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Can I run windows phone 8 on windows 8 RT and vice versa?

Can I run RT apps on windows phone, or windows 8 phone apps on windows 8 RT or PRO?

If I need to develop an app to run on RT tablets and on windows 8 phones, what should I do?


When Microsoft will provide a unified way to develop apps????

Am I requested to develop tons of apps to run on all of Microsoft platforms, I am not an Apple fan at all, but Microsoft should learn more and more from them, I spent and am spending all of my time chasing Microsoft techniques, it is very very annoying!!! :(


But you can share code through the use of Portable Class Libraries or linked files.

I recently wrote two articles about how to achieve this:

The first one is about whether to choose PCL's or linked files: http://www.kenneth-truyers.net/2013/03/27/portable-class-libraries-or-source-code-sharing/

The second one is about how to work around the limitations of PCL's: http://www.kenneth-truyers.net/2013/02/24/patterns-for-sharing-code-in-windows-phone-and-windows-8-applications/

No. The two runtimes are not compatible.

If I need to develop an app to run on RT tablets and on windows 8 phones, what should I do?

You can use the portable class libraries to save logic , but not the presentation code.

You would then build your UI on each platform, using the appropriate tools for the platform.

You can't just run a xap on a tablet. You CAN however take almost all of the XAML and C# uncompiled code and recompile for the tablet. You just need to fix some of the idiosyncrasies in the syntax. Same goes for Windows 8 Pro.

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