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Can I run a Windows 8 app on a Windows Phone

i'm currently developing windows 8 Application using visual studio 2012 with C# and .Net.

I'm used template from visual studio 2012 (in new project -> Installed -> other template -> other languages -> visual C# -> window store -> blank app xaml)

then i execute it on the simulator (then windows tablet simulator appear), my question, can my application that i built can running on windows phone 7 or 8?

As xVir,suggested you cannot run a windows 8 app on a windows phone.

But you can use some strategies to maximise code reuse between the apps.

  • Separate UI and application logic using the MVVM pattern
  • Use Portable Class Libraries(PCL) to share functionalities
  • Share code with Add as Link
  • Share using Windows Runtime Components
  • Handling difference between WP8 and W8 platforms

For more info you can refer this Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 app development

No. It is different project types. But you can share some common code between projects using libraries.

No, it doesn't work. windows phone is diffrent platforms. if you want to run same code on windows phone 8 and windows 8 you can use the portable classess.

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