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Convert mysql_* to PDO

I have made a program using PHP and trying to store data into Local Server Xampp, but whenever i run my php script using this url:

Getting error message: {"StatusID":"0","Error":"Cannot save data!"}

Please someone help me in this how can i make it useful for me, please check below PHP Script:


$objConnect = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");

$objDB = mysql_select_db("registration_login");

$strUsername = $_POST["sUsername"];
$strPassword = $_POST["sPassword"];
$strName = $_POST["sName"];
$strEmail = $_POST["sEmail"];
$strTel = $_POST["sTel"];

/*** Insert ***/
$strSQL = "INSERT INTO member (Username,Password,Name,Email,Tel)

$objQuery = mysql_query($strSQL);

$arr["Status"] = "0";
$arr["Message"] = "Cannot Save Data!";

echo json_encode($arr);
$arr["Status"] = "1";
$arr["Message"] = "Register Successfully!";

echo json_encode($arr);



Note: I have created registration_login database and member table under this DB..

Why don't you return the error reported by mysql or log it somewhere?

$objConnect = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD);

You forgot to check the return the return value to see if this was successful - if it failed, the reason is in mysql_error()

$objDB = mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE);

You forgot to check the return the return value to see if this was successful - if it failed, the reason is in mysql_error()

$objQuery = mysql_query($strSQL);

At least this time you check the return value - but you don't check what the error was.

BTW your script is wide open to SQL injection.

Convert mysql_* to PDO

What has that got to do with your post?

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