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8086 ASM - Output String to screen

I am trying to get an input from the keyboard, and then output it to the screen.

My code;

    BITS 16                 ;Set code generation to 16 bit mode
ORG 0x0100;
SECTION .text;

    mov SI, MyArray

    call GetString
    call Putln
    call PutString

    jmp Exit;


    call Getch ; get the character stored in DL

    cmp dl, 0dh ; if Enter is pressed Exit the subroutine
    je Return

;    call Putch ;*commeted out to see if putsring works* ; output the character on screen

    stosb ; store the character in al to [di] and increment di by 1
    jmp GetString ; loop back to GetString  

    mov al, 0 ; terminate array with a 0

    lodsb ; load the character in [si] to al and increment si by 1

    cmp al, 0
    jz Return2

    mov dl, al
    call Putch

    jmp PutString ; loop back to PutString


    push di

    mov ah, 7 ; keyboard input subprogram without echo
    int 21h ; read the character into al
    mov dl, al
    pop di

    RET ; return

    push di

    mov ah, 2h ; display subprogram
    INT 21H ;read the characters from al
    pop di

    RET ; Return

Putln: ;new line
    mov ah, 2
    mov dl, 0DH ;Carriage return
    int 21h
    mov dl, 0AH  ;Line feed
    int 21H
    RET ; return

    MOV AH,04Ch ; Select exit function
    MOV AL,00   ; Return 0
    INT 21h     ; Call the interrupt to exit

MyArray resb 256

However I cannot get PutString to work properly. It is printing the same ASCII characters no matter what is typed on the keyboard.

Any help would be appreciated!

I don't see you initializing DI anywhere. It should probably be set to point to MyArray just like SI , otherwise your STOSB will just write to some random location.

These are the only changes you need to make:

;;;;    mov SI, MyArray
    mov DI, MyArray ;;;; stosb uses DI

    call GetString
    call Putln

    mov SI, MyArray ;;;; lodsb uses SI

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