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Update wicket Panel using dialog modal

I have a panel that should be updated using data from a dialog Modul. In the Panels constructor, I have a datamodel which should populate components in the panel.

The Panel constructor looks like this:

      public MyPanel(String id, final MyDataMOdel aDataModel) {

The panel is added in my page as:

       MyDataModel myDataModel = new MyDataModel();
    MyPanel myPanel = new MyPanel("myPanel", myDataModel);

In the Open Dialog setWindowClosedCallback method, I have my updated DataModel

            myModal.setWindowClosedCallback(new ModalWindow.WindowClosedCallback()
                private static final long serialVersionUID = -1746088901018629567L;

                public void onClose(AjaxRequestTarget target)
                    update myDataModel here
                    Got the updated datamodel here (I can see that it is updated)

This way, I can't see the components in the panel got updated.

For the time being, I solved as follows:

    myPanel = new MyPanel("myPanel", myUpdatedDataModel);

Am not sure what your MyDataModel() is. But you can use shared wicket Models.

          Model<YourDataObjectToShare> dataObjectToSHare = new Model<YourDataObjectToShare>()
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -6394439155356911110L;

        public YourDataObjectToShare getObject()
            return ... The Updated Shared data here

Then Pass dataObjectToSHare to the panels argument

Look this

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