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Cant get onchange to Validate

Hey I'm using the onchange attribute or we they are called, and it wont vailidate in XHTML 1.0 Strict when using the w3c validater which i have to use, i need a way around this so that my code will still work, and validate. the error is: Line 211, Column 32: there is no attribute "onchange"

and here are the values it effects or w/e (not in proper order just cut and pasted)

Cost of Registration:<input id="cost" name="cost" readonly="readonly"/>
<input type="checkbox" id="monday" name="Attending" value="monday" />Monday<br />
<input type="checkbox" id="tuesday" name="Attending" value="tuesday" />Tuesday<br />
<input type="checkbox" id="wesnesday" name="Attending"value="wednesday"/>Wesnesday<b/></p>

i have another onchange that the validater seems to have no problems with

 <select id="regcat" onchange="autofill()">
 <option value="UWS Student">UWS Student</option>
 <option value="Student at another institution">Student at another institution</option>
 <option value="UWS Academic">UWS Academic</option>
 <option value="Other UWS Staff">Other UWS Staff</option>
 <option value="Academic from another Institution">Academic from another   Institution</option>
 <option value="Professional">Professional</option>
 <option value="Retired">Retired</option>

Can find a fix for this anywhere.(sorry for grammar and spelling its very late)

You need to attach your event handler through JavaScript instead of the attribute. If you're using jQuery:


You'll want this in a document ready wrapper if you're not already using one. The shortest way:

$(function() {

If you're not using jQuery, you'll use the addEventListener method (but again, you'll need to account for the DOM being ready). If you're not using jQuery AND you need to support IE <9, you'll unfortunately have to also add in the attachEvent call within a conditional comment wrapper.

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