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Turn off email validation

I have the following piece of html/angular

<input type="email" data-ng-model="myEmailVar" />
{{ myEmailVar }}

Now the problem is angular has an auto-validator for emails that won't set myEmailVar unless it passes correctly. So for instance if I enter "name" myEmailVar will not be set. You can see it here: http://jsfiddle.net/bFVsW/ (enter the word test, then enter test@test.test)

Now, I want to run my own validation, but also support mobile. If I use type="email" some mobile browsers switch the keyboard layout to make inputting an address easier (such as the @ symbol). So I can't switch it to type="text". What i'd like to do is override the angular email validator or just turn it off completely as I'll be handling my own validation. Is that possible?

On HTML5 you can use the form's attribute novalidate to disable browser's validation:

<form novalidate>
    <input type="email"/>

Or you can use type="text"

For any body who is still searching for an answer, I found the answer in this stack overflow answer: How to disable angulars type=email validation?

Essentially you can add your own custom directive that disables the default angular validators.

angular.module('app').directive('disableValidators', function() {
    return {
        require: 'ngModel',
        link: function(scope, elm, attrs, ctrl){
            var validator = function(value){
                return value;

            // replace other validators with our own
            ctrl.$parsers = [validator];
            ctrl.$formatters = [validator];

Another answer in that same thread presents a more detailed answer: How to disable angulars type=email validation?

Edit: This solution worked for me in the past, but no longer worked when I upgrade from angular 1.2.X to 1.3.X. It works, however, with a few minor tweaks:

angular.module('app').directive('disableValidators', function() {
    return {
        require: 'ngModel',
        link: function(scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) {
            var validator = function(value) {
                return value;

            // replace the email validators
            ctrl.$validators = {email: validator};

UPDATE : This does NOT work ... well at least not in a way you'd like it to. Adding ng-non-bindable to the form or any input breaks ALL binding. So, your ng-model in the inputs won't work anymore. Sorry ....

ng-non-bindable is the answer to this problem. See my answer here:


Simple solution: init field with type 'text' and change type to 'email' by timeout. In this case angularjs won't add email validator and you will have the email keyboard.

<input type="{{type}}" />

$scope.type = 'text';  
$timeout(function() { 
    $scope.type = 'email'; 


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