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Autoplay handler: wrong clipboard format?

I'm trying to implement a Windows Autoplay handler; according to the documentation and the examples I found, I'm supposed to query the IDataObject for the "Autoplay Enumerated IDList Array" clipboard format.

So I tried to do something like that:

[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = "RegisterClipboardFormatW")]
public static extern uint RegisterClipboardFormat([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] String format);

private const string CFSTR_AUTOPLAY_SHELLIDLISTS = "Autoplay Enumerated IDList Array";
private static readonly uint AUTOPLAY_SHELLIDLISTS = RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_AUTOPLAY_SHELLIDLISTS);


public int Drop(IDataObject pDataObj, int grfKeyState, Point pt, ref DropEffect pdwEffect)
    var fmt = new FORMATETC
        cfFormat = (short)AUTOPLAY_SHELLIDLISTS,
        ptd = IntPtr.Zero,
        lindex = -1,
        tymed = TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL

    int hr = pDataObj.QueryGetData(ref fmt);
    if (hr == S_OK)
    return 0;

But QueryGetData always returns S_FALSE (and GetData throws, obviously). So I tried to enumerate the available formats with EnumFormatEtc : it returns only one format it returns 4 formats, none of which is the same as the one I passed to QueryGetData ( cfFormat values are -16238, 15, -16378 and -16377). If I use the first format from EnumFormatEtc , instead of AUTOPLAY_SHELLIDLISTS , everything works fine, but I don't think it's the right way to do it...

Could someone explain what is going on? Am I using the wrong format?

EDIT: apparently the first format returned from EnumFormatEtc is "Shell IDList Array" ; clearly I can work with that, but what happened to "Autoplay Enumerated IDList Array" ?

OK, I finally found a much easier way to do it, using the System.Windows.Forms.DataObject class:

    public int Drop(IDataObject pDataObj, int grfKeyState, Point pt, ref DropEffect pdwEffect)
            var dataObj = new DataObject(pDataObj);
            if (dataObj.ContainsFileDropList())
                StringCollection files = dataObj.GetFileDropList();

                // Do something with files...

            return 0;
        catch(Exception ex)
            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Error: {0}", ex));
            return 1;

No need for any low-level COM interop (except the IDropTarget interface declaration)...

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