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How to stop the phone from charging via USB programmatically

I've tried to do as much research as possible but can't find an answer to this fairly simple question (want to figure this out before I'm going to set up the SDK and everything).I'm thinking about developing my first app and am wondering whether the BATTERY_STATUS_CHARGING from the BatteryManager contains only a get function or also a set function.

I wan't to make an app in which I can manually stop the phone from charging without unplugging it from the charger (via USB) and so am wondering whether this is actually possible.

No, Its not possible on unrooted devices. It uses Settings.System with ADB_ENABLED , but ADB_ENABLED is a Secure-System-Setting which can not be changed by a application.

Yes, It can be done on rooted phone.

There is need to add an permission android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS.

Same type of application on Google Play : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jim2&hl=en

You can hardwire it: 12 ohms in serial still makes the phone be recognized by the computer, yet slowly discharge. See attached Picture. microUSB电缆插入PCB。 PCB显示VCC通过12Ω电阻连接到导线,D-,D +和GND直接连接到导线。所有电线都从图像中取出电缆

我知道这个帖子已经老了,但是发布我的ans无论如何都要到达这里的人。试试这个: -
echo 0 > /sys/class/power_supply/batterycharging_enabled/charging_enabled

This is unfortunately not possible. Android only have read APIs for battery data. ADB_ENABLED will not help in this instance either as it's only to enable debugging over USB.

Battery charging control is internal to the Android kernel and battery IC modules. Manufacturers do change it from time to time, but it's not available to apps without root and without controlling the IC (integrated chip) modules through some tricky interface which would actually be different for almost every device out there!

At best if we're lucky, a sysfs interface might help do that, but again it requires root and may differ from device to device.

Use the below command to stop the charging of mobile/handheld when connected to USB:

adb shell dumpsys battery set ac 0; dumpsys battery set usb 0;

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