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Python 2.6 (Windows EXE) Keep Program Running?

I'm trying to keep my python program running but it closes right away. I have tried raw_input() but I get this error: EOFError: EOF when reading a line I put raw_input() at the end. What should I use to have it running?

What you want to do is compile an EXE using py2exe specifying that it's a console app . This is why you're getting an EOF error, there's no stdin for raw_input() to read from.

Create a setup.py like this:

from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe


Then you can just compile it by running this in a console window:

python setup.py py2exe

This will produce your_script.exe in that directory which should stay open as a console window if you have a raw_input() at the end of your script.

Make sure setup.py and your_script.py are in the same directory and that you have py2exe installed.

For reference, you can get py2exe online .

Incidentally, this also allows you to use commandline arguments in your py2exe programs.

I don't have access to Python right now, but something like

from time import time, sleep

while True:
    #do other stuff

should be close. This would sleep for 5 seconds each time through the loop, see the docs for time.sleep() . Adjust the time to fit your needs.

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