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Load values in select2 multiselect

I'm using select2 in place of search box.

Here i'm using to load countries values like this

    multiple: true,
    tags:["India", "Japan", "Australia","Singapore"],
    tokenSeparators: [","]

When i press save button, they are properly submitted to the server, now here the question is when i want to modify the country field after saving to server, how i can load the saved values to the country field.

This is how i retrieve data from server

$.getJSON('/dataprovider?data=fetchCountriesForm', function(opts) {

    //the opts here contains the json values of the countries.

    //what code should be written here to load the values in $('#countries).select2();

    //user can add some more countries or can remove the previously added countries. 


Please have a look a documentation under section Loading Remote Data .

You will find and example like:

    placeholder: "Search for a movie",
    minimumInputLength: 1,
    ajax: { 
           // instead of writing the function to execute the request we use Select2's convenient helper
          url: "http://api.rottentomatoes.com/api/public/v1.0/movies.json"
          // Other stuffs

Also you can do like this:

$.getJSON('/dataprovider?data=fetchCountriesForm', function(opts){
        data: opts

Your JSON data must be in format like below:


I just use this http://ivaynberg.github.io/select2/#event_ext_change link and use the trigger function to load the values

$.getJSON('/dataprovider?data=fetchCountriesForm', function(opts) {
        if (opts) {

This trick load the value in the select box.

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