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c++ invoke base classes' virtual operator== with multiple inheritance

Given the following excerpts:

class Interface {
    virtual bool operator==(const Interface &other) const = 0;
    virtual void print(ostream& sout) const = 0;

class A : virtual public Interface {
    virtual bool operator==(const Interface &other)const;
    virtual void print(ostream& sout)const;

    short m_foo;

class B : virtual public Interface {
    virtual bool operator==(const Interface &other)const;
    virtual void print(ostream& sout) const;

    short m_bar;

class C: public A, public B {
    virtual bool operator==(const Interface &other) const;
    virtual void print(ostream& sout) const;

In C.cpp I'm trying to implement operator==:

bool C::operator==(const Interface &other) const {
    try {
        // This works, but it's duplicating code from A.cpp and B.cpp
        const C& otherC = dynamic_cast<const C&>(other);
        return (m_foo == otherC.m_foo && m_bar == otherC.m_bar);

        // This doesn't work -- it calls C::operator== instead of
        // A::operator== and B::operator== (infinite recursion).
        return (dynamic_cast<const A&>(*this) ==
                dynamic_cast<const A&>(other) &&
                dynamic_cast<const B&>(*this) ==
                dynamic_cast<const B&>(other));
    } catch (bad_cast e) {
        return false;

I can get it to work for the output method, but I don't know how to do something equivalent when overriding operators:

void C::print(ostream& sout) const {
    sout << " ";

Is there a way to call the base classes' virtual operators instead of doing something like adding a virtual equals() method and just having operator== call that?

(Note: this code is based off of a small part of a homework assignment in case that's relevant.)

You need to explicitly name the operator you want to use.


    return (dynamic_cast<const A&>(*this) ==
            dynamic_cast<const A&>(other) &&
            dynamic_cast<const B&>(*this) ==
            dynamic_cast<const B&>(other));

With Edit: corrected

    return (A::operator==( other ) &&
            B::operator==( other ));
return A::operator==(other) && B::operator==(other);

The two base classes should handle any type error in other , so you don't need to do anything about that here.

EDIT: rewrote code to use explicit call.

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