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Asterisk record a .wav file and save a same file name of call file

I make a script that automatic create a .call file and auto-move to /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/, im done with that but in recording i want to save a .wav file same as .call file




exten => s,1,Answer( )
exten=>s,2,Record(/var/spool/asterisk/tmp/ ${CALLFILENAME(name)} /${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},GMT-8,%m%d%y-%H:%M:%S)}.wav,0,0,qxk)


in /var/spool/asterisk/tmp/ testcalls150(date-time).wav

Thanks in Advance,

Please read this:


You need create call file with

Set: callfile_name=testcalls150.call

After that you able do in dialplan:


Note, when creating your call files you also have check that asterisk running and number of files in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing is LOW. becuase can be situation when you always adding files and asterisk not able process same rate. Result will be system mailfunction after 2000-3000 files in folder.

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