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Asterisk FastAGI Record File

I have an inbound route defined for a local phone number that terminates to a dial plan which sends the call to a FastAGI.

When the call is answered by the FastAGI I then call the Record File command with 4 minute timeout, and silence detection disabled recording in wav file format.

However the maximum record time is only 90 seconds instead of the 4 minute I specified. However when I call the dial plan directly without using the local call it works just fine.

Anyone has any idea why this is happening?

Asterisk version is 11.5, I tried upgrading to the latest but the issue is still there.

Please use following:

1) in logger.conf add console=>debug

2) connect to asterisk via asterisk -r|tee /tmp/debug.log

3) enable debug via

asterisk -r
agi set debug on
core set debug 5

After that call, wait 4+ minutes, press ctrl-c and see in debug file what you have.

Most likly silence detection invoked.

There is no differnce between Record command in dialplan and Record command issues by AGI,really.

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