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Calling AppleScript from Python without using osascript or appscript?

Is there any way to execute (and obtain the results of) AppleScript code from python without using the osascript command-line utility or appscript (which I don't really want to use (I think?) because it's no longer developed/supported/recommended )?

Rationale: in another question I've just posted , I describe a strange/undesired behaviour I'm experiencing with running some AppleScript via osascript . As I'm actually calling it from a python script, I wondered if there was a way to route around osascript altogether, since that seems to be where the problem lies - but appscript (the obvious choice?) looks risky now...

You can use the PyObjC bridge:

>>> from Foundation import *
>>> s = NSAppleScript.alloc().initWithSource_("tell app \"Finder\" to activate")
>>> s.executeAndReturnError_(None)

PyPI is your friend...



import applescript

scpt = applescript.AppleScript('''
    on run {arg1, arg2}
        say arg1 & " " & arg2
    end run

    on foo()
        return "bar"
    end foo

    on Baz(x, y)
        return x * y
    end bar

print(scpt.run('Hello', 'World')) #-> None
print(scpt.call('foo')) #-> "bar"
print(scpt.call('Baz', 3, 5)) #-> 15

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