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Java MySQL check if value exists in database

I am trying to check, if a specific value already exists in my database. I am accessing database from java standalone app using JDBC (queries for inserting records into db work so my setup and connection are ok).

String queryCheck = "SELECT * from messages WHERE msgid = " + msgid;
Statement st = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(queryCheck); // execute the query, and get a java resultset

// if this ID already exists, we quit
if(rs.absolute(1)) {

I am getting this error (there is apparently something wrong with my SQL syntax):

com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'd-f05708071f8f' at line 1

However, if I try to execute this command in my MySQL command line, it works! Can you tell me, whats wrong with my statement? Thanks for any tips!

You need to wrap a String in quotes in MySQL, so the query needs to be

SELECT * from messages WHERE msgid = 'd-f05708071f8f';


SELECT * from messages WHERE msgid = d-f05708071f8f;

So the code should read

String queryCheck = "SELECT * from messages WHERE msgid = '" + msgid + "'";

I would suggest using a PreparedStatement to avoid these sorts of issues and any risk of SQL injection:

final String queryCheck = "SELECT * from messages WHERE msgid = ?";
final PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(queryCheck);
ps.setString(1, msgid);
final ResultSet resultSet = ps.executeQuery();

Using string concatenation for query building is considered very bad practice. Has been for a long time now.

Further I would suggest using select count(*) rather than the full select * as this returns much less data (think of the size of the ResultSet ) and MySQL can optimise it too.

final String queryCheck = "SELECT count(*) from messages WHERE msgid = ?";
final PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(queryCheck);
ps.setString(1, msgid);
final ResultSet resultSet = ps.executeQuery();
if(resultSet.next()) {
    final int count = resultSet.getInt(1);

You need to use bind variables.

 PreparedStatement st = conn.prepareStatement(
    "SELECT * from messages WHERE msgid = ?");
 st.setString(1, msgid);
 ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(queryCheck); 

Or get into manual quoting, but that is risky.

In addition to preventing SQL injection, prepared statements should also improve performance if you run the same query repeatedly.

Since msgid is a varchar you need to surround the value in the where clause with single quotes.

String queryCheck = "SELECT * from messages WHERE msgid = '" + msgid + "'";

Dynamically generating SQL strings is not recommend however since it can expose your application to sql injection.

Instead use a PreparedStatement :

            String queryCheck = "SELECT * from messages WHERE msgid = ?";
            PreparedStatement st = conn.prepareStatement(queryCheck);
            st.setString(1, msgid);
            ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();

Use single quotes arount the parameter:

"SELECT * FROM messages WHERE msgid = '" + msgid + "'";

Or better you use prepared statements .

You can try this:

String queryCheck = "SELECT * from messages WHERE msgid = '" + msgid + "'";

You have missed quotes around msgid. (I'm assuming that msgid is String and not Integer value. )


SELECT * from messages WHERE msgid = 'd-f05708071f8f'; 
String sql1 ="SELECT Time FROM monday_wednesday WHERE Time ='"+time.getSelectedItem()+"'";
if(rs.next()) {
    if(rs.getString("Time").equals(time.getSelectedItem())) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Time is already taken","",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); 
} else {
    String sql="INSERT INTO monday_wednesday(pfname,pmname,plname,Birthdate,Gender,Address,City,Contact,Contactperson,Time,Date)\n" + "VALUES ('"+txtFirstName1.getText()+"','"+txtMiddleName1.getText()+"','"+txtLastName1.getText()+"','"+d+"','"+gender.getSelectedItem()+"','"+ txtAddress.getText()+"','"+txtCity.getText()+"','"+txtContact.getText()+"','"+txtContactPerson1.getText()+"','"+time.getSelectedItem()+"','"+dateFormat.format(date)+"')";

Just a simple duplicate entry algorithm

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