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Yii SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined

I have looked at the other questions concerning this error message, but all appear to have something to do with a miss match between a parameter and its binding, or missing bindings, or something like that. Here is my code. Can anyone here see the error? This is in a CDbMigration class.

$this->insert('company', array(
    'name' => 'Site Administrator',
$companyId = $this->dbConnection->getLastInsertID();

$sql  = 'insert into `user` (`company-id`, `login-id`, `password`) ';
$sql .= 'values (:company-id, :login-id, :password)';
$command = $this->dbConnection->createCommand($sql);
$command->bindValue(':company-id', $companyId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$command->bindValue(':login-id', 'admin');
$command->bindValue(':password', 'admin');

The first insert performs properly, the second gives the following error:

Exception: CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined. The SQL statement executed was: insert into `user` (`company-id`, `login-id`, `password`) values (:company-id, :login-id, :password). Bound with :company-id='6', :login-id='admin', :password='admin' (C:\eclipse-php-3.0.2\workspace\interview\lib\yii\db\CDbCommand.php:357)

For the record, I realize that I need to do something to the password so that it is not stored in plain text. I will deal with that later. In addition, the user table is defined in the migration class as follows:

$this->createTable('user', array(
    'id' => 'pk',
    'company-id' => 'integer not null',
    'login-id' => 'string unique not null',
    'password' => 'string not null',
    'full-name' => 'string',
    'mobile-phone' => 'string',
    'other-phone' => 'string',
    'email' => 'string unique',
$this->addForeignKey('fk_user_company', 'user', 'company-id', 'company', 'id'
    , 'restrict');

Why not continue in the same way and have:

$this->insert('user', array(
   'company-id' => (int)$companyId,
   'login-id' => 'admin',
   'password' => 'admin'


Also, using dashes instead of underscores is not the best idea you have had for a table column name. Later you'll want to use CActiveRecord to reference the login id for example, but


is invalid so you'd have to

$model->{'login-id'} // or

which is a pain. Overall i advise you to switch it to underscore.

According to Yii documentation:

SQL data type of the parameter. If null, the type is determined by the PHP type of the value.


$command->bindValue(':company-id', $companyId);


$command->bindValue(':company-id', (int)$companyId);

Should works

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