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How to see portlet configuration page in Liferay?

When creating portlet in Liferay IDE, I have configured it to have Liferay's configuration mode. In response, the wizart created JSP file with the following text:

<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/portlet_2_0" prefix="portlet" %>

<portlet:defineObjects />

This is the <b>MyPortlet</b> portlet in Config mode.

How to call this page from Liferay to see this text? When clicking wrench icon and selecting Configuration I see nothing similar.


Path is set correctly because it was set by wizard.

The question is how to call this JSP from web interface by a mouse?

Usually the problem is that the path to the configuration jsp is not properly set.

In portlet.xml

Add the following:


as a child of the <portlet> element that corresponds to the portlet you're trying to modify.

Your final portlet.xml should look something like:

        <display-name>My Portlet</display-name>

From the wiki (no shame here though, took me a very long time to find it):

Add Config Page to Plugin Portlet <- get more info here



ConfigurationActionImpl.java (or your class)->

    public class ConfigurationActionImpl implements ConfigurationAction {
        public void processAction(PortletConfig config, ActionRequest actionRequest, ActionResponse actionResponse) throws Exception { 

          String portletResource = ParamUtil.getString(actionRequest, "portletResource"); 

          PortletPreferences prefs = PortletPreferencesFactoryUtil.getPortletSetup(actionRequest, portletResource); 

          //Read, validate, and then set form parameters as portlet preferences


          SessionMessages.add(actionRequest, portletConfig.getPortletName() + ".doConfigure");
        public String render(PortletConfig config, RenderRequest renderRequest, RenderResponse renderResponse) throws Exception { 

        return "/configuration.jsp";


    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/portlet" prefix="portlet" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://liferay.com/tld/portlet" prefix="liferay-portlet" %>

    <portlet:defineObjects />

    <form action="<liferay-portlet:actionURL portletConfiguration="true" />" method="post" name="<portlet:namespace />fm"> <input name="<portlet:namespace /><%=Constants.CMD%>" type="hidden" value="<%=Constants.UPDATE%>" /> 

    Type: <select name="<portlet:namespace />type"> <option value="casual">Casual</option> <option value="formal">Formal</option> </select> <br/>

    <input type="button" value="Save" onClick="submitForm(document.<portlet:namespace />fm);" /> </form>

"Note the portletConfiguration attribute in the liferay-portlet:actionURL tag."

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