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Wrong values in conversion from time_t and tm

I have to do two conversion functions, from time_t to tm and from tm to time_t.

This is the first:

string2time(string str){

time_t rawtime;
tm* timeInfo = localtime(&rawtime);

stringstream ss(str);
string date;
string time;
getline(ss,date,' ');
getline(ss,time,' ');

string word;
//now we work with date..
stringstream sdate(date);

timeInfo->tm_year = atoi(word.c_str()) -1900;

timeInfo->tm_mon = atoi(word.c_str())-1;

timeInfo->tm_mday = atoi(word.c_str());

//and time...
stringstream stime(time);

timeInfo->tm_hour = atoi(word.c_str());

timeInfo->tm_min = atoi(word.c_str());

timeInfo->tm_sec = atoi(word.c_str());

return mktime(timeInfo);

and this is the second:

time2str(time_t t){
tm* myT;

myT = localtime(&t);
    //here i have to explore myT structure in order to build a proper string


I got wrong values anyway..starting with 2013-03-10 00:00:00 in the tm structure I get 2013-04-21 18:16:29 ... why?

edit: made some progress! This code works all time BUT when hour is 00!


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