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asp.net: How to manually (c#) select radiobutton in radiobuttonlist inside gridview from Session

Im having problems after postback in asp.net / c#. All radiobuttlists in gridview are cleared on postback (one radiobuttonlist on each row). So I save them to a Session variable.

But I cant set them back from the Session variable. Here is the code in page_load:

//.. testing for null,etc
for (int i = 0; i < lstRadioButtons.Count; i++)
    RadioButtonList rbl = (RadioButtonList)gwTract.Rows[i].FindControl("RadioButtonList1");
    rbl.SelectedItem.Value = lstRadioButtons[i]; //list with strings "0", etc

Thanks in advance!

Assuming lstRadioButtons contains the value for a given row:

for (int itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < rbl.Items.Count; itemIndex++)
    if (rbl.Items[i].Value == lstRadioButtons[i])
        rbl.SelectedIndex = itemIndex;

Assuming lstRadioButtons contains the index for a given row:

rbl.SelectedIndex = int.Parse(i); //You may want to use TryParse to handle failure

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