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How to exclude elements inside a child-element from a selection without using children()?

I have an element like so:

<div id="foo">
  <a href="#" class="some">click me</a>
  <div id="bar">
     <a href="#" class="some">click me too</a>

and I need to select the a elements that are not inside bar . Problem is I can't use children() , because my foo is much more complex than above.

Is there a way to select "some" elements from a foo and explicitly excluding "some" elements from bar ?

If the anchor elements may not always be a direct child of foo you can use the filter() method.

var anchors = $("#foo a").filter(function(){
    return !$("#bar").find(this).length;

Working Example http://jsfiddle.net/v63tC/

You can use .filter() along with $.contains() to solve this

var $bar = $('#bar');
var items = $('#foo a.some').filter(function() {
    return !$.contains($bar[0], this)

Demo: Fiddle

May be with a > direct child notation:

$('#foo > a')

You can omit some elem with .not() :

$("#foo a").not('#bar a').length;


Since you mentioned that your #foo element is considerably more complex than the example, is it safe to assume that it's not just direct descendants that you'll need to be selecting? If that is the case, I'd suggest the following:

$('#foo a.some').filter(function() {
    return $(this).parents('#bar').length === 0;

That selects all <a> elements inside of #foo , then filters them down so that only those that don't have an ancestor with the id of bar on them are kept.


var a = foo.find('> a');


$('#foo > a'). ...

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