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How to detect when a child-element of a contenteditable DIV is edited via keyboard?

Given this HTML code:

<div contenteditable>
    <span> child-element </span>

When the user clicks on the SPAN element (in order to place the caret inside it), and then presses a character key on the keyboard (in order to edit the text-content of the SPAN element), a keydown , keypress , and keyup event will be fired.

However, the target property of those corresponding event objects is not the SPAN element, but the DIV element itself.

Live demo: (Also on jsFiddle )

 $('div').keydown(function(e) { alert( e.target.nodeName ); });
 div { border:2px solid red; padding:10px; margin:10px; } span { background-color:yellow; }
 <div contenteditable> BEFORE <span>SPAN</span> AFTER </div> <p> Click on the yellow SPAN element (to place the caret inside it), and then press a character key (to change the text-content of the SPAN element). The alert-box shows that the event-target is the DIV element, not the SPAN element... </p> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

How can I determine whether or not the key-event occurred inside a SPAN element?

This can be done using the selection APIs:

$('div').keydown(function(e) {
    if (document.selection) {
        alert(document.selection.createRange().parentElement().tagName); // IE
    } else {
        // everyone else

Note: The above example is simplistic. See the SO post linked below for a complete solution to the selection problem.

Demo (also on jsFiddle ):

 $('div').keydown(function(e) { if (document.selection) alert(document.selection.createRange().parentElement().tagName); // IE else alert(window.getSelection().anchorNode.parentNode.tagName); // everyone else });
 div { border:2px solid red; padding:10px; margin:10px; } span { background-color:yellow; }
 <div contenteditable> BEFORE <span>SPAN</span> AFTER </div> <p> Click on the yellow SPAN element (to place the caret inside it), and then press a character key (to change the text-content of the SPAN element). The alert-box shows that the event-target is the DIV element, not the SPAN element... </p> <div id="stuff"/> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>


Making the whole div editable means that <span> tag is nothing but text content. If you just want the span to be editable, set contentEditable on the span itself.

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