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Spring Security, Kerberos extension and AD

I'm trying to use on my project a Kerberos authentication. It's for my company an internal service, and I want to authenticate the users, and retrieve from our Active Directory the groups of the users. For this, I'm using Spring Security, Kerberos extension and our company's AD.

The problem : I can authenticate with Kerberos, but our domain on AD is "WAN.CORP.COM". So I get my users with username@WAN.CORP.COM, and there's no filter I can ask with this on AD (userPrincipalName are like username@corp.com).

My security.xml contains :

<sec:ldap-user-service id="ldapUserService" server-ref="ldapCorp" user-search-filter="(userPrincipalName={0})" />
<sec:ldap-server id="ldapCorp" url="ldap://ldap.wan.corp.com:389/DC=wan,DC=corp,DC=com" manager-dn="CN=ldap read,OU=CORP,DC=wan,DC=corp,DC=com" manager-password="pass" />

But Spring Security sends an exception, because it can't retrieve user@WAN.CORP.COM...

Anyone can help me ? I'd like to make it by Spring Security directly, if not, I think I can get informations in a DummyUserDetailsService, I'm right ?

Thanks a lot, and sorry for my poor english...

You could provide your own UserDetailsService implementation into which you inject LdapUserDetailsService.

In loadUserByUsername method you can modify the username and then call LdapUserDetailsService's loadUserByUsername with the modified username.

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