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issue about url method in zend framework1

class Zend_View_Helper_Url extends Zend_View_Helper_Abstract {
     * Generates an url given the name of a route.
     * @access public
     * @param  array $urlOptions Options passed to the assemble method of the Route object.
     * @param  mixed $name The name of a Route to use. If null it will use the current Route
     * @param  bool $reset Whether or not to reset the route defaults with those provided
     * @return string Url for the link href attribute.
    public function url(array $urlOptions = array(), $name = null, $reset = false, $encode = true)
        $router = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRouter();
        return $router->assemble($urlOptions, $name, $reset, $encode);
    } }

Above code is from zend/view/helper/url.php.


in the comments, it is Generates an url given the name of a route, what is the route in zend framework? Below code is from: index.phtml

<a href="<?php echo $this->url(array('controller'=>'index',
'action'=>'edit', 'id'=>$album->id));?>">Edit</a>

So could you explain how does url() method function here?

Zend have the url structure like this :


for localhost



Host- localhost
Controller - indexController
Action - index action in the indexcontroller
Parameter - username 

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