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Nested boolean queries in elastic search

I am trying to make a query in elastic search that will do the following: I want it to check for a result that has (metropolitan_area of 16 AND starts_at of 05072013) OR (metropolitan_id of 16 AND starts_at "blank".

This is my current query, but I feel like it needs to be nested somehow and I am unsure how to do that.

  "query" : { 
    "bool" : {
      "must" : [
          "term" : {"user" : "a"}
          "term" :{"metropolitan_area" : "16"}
      "must_not" : [], 
      "should" :   []
  "filter" : {
    "or" : {
      "filters" : [
          "term" : {"user":"519"}
          "term" : {"user":"6"}
          "term" : {"user":"5"}
          "term" : {"user":"36"}
          "term" : {"starts_at":"05072013"}
          "term" : {"starts_at":"blank"}

The correctly nested boolean expression is shown below:

  "filter": {
    "or" : [{
       "and" : [
          { "term" : { "metropolian_area" : 16 } },
          { "term" : { "starts_at" : 0123213 } }
    }, {
       "and" : [
          { "term" : ... },
          { "term" : ... }

and , or , and not queries are deprecated in elasticsearch 2.x . Elasticsearch documentation recommends the bool query instead. For instance, you could write your nested bool query as follow in filter context:


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