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classic asp response.redirect to appropriate page

I created a .html maintenance file and I want when someone goes to the site to redirect to the maintenance folder/index.html

my code: (default.asp at the root)

   If InStr( UCase(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")),  UCase("abc.com") ) > 0   Then 
   ElseIf InStr( UCase(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")),  UCase("web.com") ) > 0 Then 
   End If


it works fine, if I go to abc.com but if I type in abc.com/blog it goes to the blog page. how do I prevent so it doesn't go to any sub folders.

Maybe using Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_HOST"] can solve your problem.

Have you tried to look in the variable Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") with a Response.Write in order to see why the check on the string fails?

Are you using this "test > do" method instead of just taking the site down and creating a custom 404.html page because: (1) Your site receives calls via various domain names and you want some to work but not others; or (2) You just didn't think of using the 404 method?

Anyway, if you want to do it via code, then put this at the very top (before header-very important) of a page or even use this AS your index.asp or default.asp page:

s_url = Request.ServerVariables("server_name")
s_url = lcase(s_url)
b_found = InStr(1,s_url, "abc.com",1)
if (b_found <> 0) then
end if

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