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Redirect user to the appropriate page from ASP classic login page

I have a website on which certain pages are secured with a login page written in vbscript (framework is asp classic). Given that the username is "foo" and the password is "bar", the login page currently accepts the username and password and then redirects the user to a default page. We will call it "page1". Below is the code:

Response.Buffer = True
If lcase(Request.Form("username")) = "foo" AND lcase(Request.Form("password")) = "bar" then
Session.Contents("foo") = "1"
End If

This works but the user will always be redirected to the same page, regardless of which page they were trying to reach. I would like the user to be redirected to the page they were trying to reach before being sent tho the login page. Supposing the user wanted to go to "page2", I tried the following code:

Response.Buffer = True
If Request.ServerVariables("URL")= "http://www.mysite.com.com/page2.asp" AND lcase(Request.Form("username")) = "foo" AND lcase(Request.Form("password")) = "bar" then
Session.Contents("Dealer") = "1"
ElseIf lcase(Request.Form("username")) = "foo" AND lcase(Request.Form("password")) = "bar" then
Session.Contents("foo") = "1"
End If

This does not work, which is probably because


is pulling the url from the login page. Does anyone know how to send the user to the page that was originally requested?

Thanks in advance for any help/advice!

On your login form page add a hidden field for the referring page and populate the value like this:

<input name="referer" type="hidden" value="<%= Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") %> />

Then redirect to this page once the form is submitted successfully:


I don't know about "classic asp", nor VB script.

But what about the approach of adding the desired page (requiring login) in a querystring ?

forcing to land the user on login.aspx?redirectUrl=desiredPage.asp

then when login is done, you redirect to the page by retrieving it from the querystring ?

This page explains it better.

ASP.NET: directing user to login page, after login send user back to page requested originally?

Every secured page should have some header code like this:

If Not Session("LoggedIn") Then
    Response.Redirect "login.asp?r=" & Server.UrlEncode(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"))
End If

I typically put this into an include file called "private.asp" and make sure to include it at the top of every page that should be secured.

In your login page, after you've successfully logged in the user, check your querystring value to see if you should forward the user back to an originally requested page:

' After successful login...
strReturnURL = Request.QueryString("r")

If Len(strReturnURL) > 0 Then
    Response.Redirect strReturnURL
    ' Send them to your homepage...
    Response.Redirect "/"
End If

your signin page URL should look like that:


Response.Buffer = True
dim redirecturl
 redirecturl = Request("urlstr")
If  lcase(Request.Form("username")) = "foo" AND lcase(Request.Form("password")) = "bar"  and len(redirecturl)>0 then
Session("Dealer") = "1"
ElseIf lcase(Request.Form("username")) = "foo" AND lcase(Request.Form("password")) = "bar" and len(redirecturl)=0  then
Session("foo") = "1"
End If

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