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overriding the javascript ALERT to jquery dialog

I was trying to do the magic and turn all of my platform javascript alerts to jquery dialog, I followed the following scripts

<div id="overrideAlert"></div>

window.alert = function(message) {
        buttons: {

But no luck.

Is there a clean solution for this? Thanks,

I would prefer a dynamic div instead

$('<div />').text(message).dialog({
    buttons: {
    close:function(){ $(this).dialog('destroy').remove(); }


It just works.

Check at the jsfiddle demo .

Note: you can't call alert('foo'); directly inside the <head> 's <script> tags, because the div element is not ready on the dom.

Your code looks fine, but make sure that you add jquery and jquery-ui libraries to your page.

Demo: Plunker

If we are submitting page before alert is going automatically. some saved successfully messages there but not asking for "ok". I have done overriding of alert.any suggestion. window.alert = function(message, fallback){

$(document.createElement('div')).attr({title: 'Alert', 'class': 'alert'}).html(message).dialog({
  buttons: {OK: function(){$(this).dialog('close'); callback()}},
  autoOpen: true,
  draggable: true,
  modal: false,
  resizable: false,
  width: 'auto'

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