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Overriding javascript confirm with jquery

I want to override javascript confirm with jQuery dialog box. Here is my overridin code:

window.confirm = function(message, caption = 'Confirmation'){
    $(document.createElement('div')).attr({title: caption, 'class': 'dialog'}).html(message).dialog({
        dialogClass: 'fixed',
        buttons: {
            "OK": function(){
                return true;
            "Cancel": function(){
                return false;
        close: function(){
        draggable: false,
        modal: true,
        resizable: false,
        width: 'auto'

And here is my action code:

if(confirm('Are you sure?') == false) { return false; }

This code does not work. How can I do this?

It is because the confirm method shows and dialog and it returns before the buttons are pressed.

You can use a callback method to solve it

window.confirm = function (message, callback, caption) {
    caption = caption || 'Confirmation'

        title: caption,
            'class': 'dialog'
        position: ['center', 100],
        dialogClass: 'fixed',
        buttons: {
            "OK": function () {
                return true;
                "Cancel": function () {
                return false;
        close: function () {
        draggable: false,
        modal: true,
        resizable: false,
        width: 'auto'

confirm('dd', function () {
    //what every needed to be done on confirmation has to be done here

Demo: Fiddle

You cannot use it with if..else statement

I know is an old question but for completness I left my solution, is a plugin for jquery you only need to copy/paste this content save as .js file and include (along with jquery-ui) in your html and all alert and confirm dialog are replaced.

I must point that above solution only calls the callback on user success (press OK button), but I wanted the callback to be called always, this way you can implement more behaviour

jQuery.cambiarAlert = function (options)
    var defaults = {
        title: "Atención",
        buttons: {
            "Aceptar": function()

    jQuery.extend(defaults, options);

    delete defaults.autoOpen;

    window.alert = function ()
        var html;

        try {
                html = arguments[0].replace(/\n/, "<br />")
            } catch (exception) {
                html = arguments[0]

        jQuery("<div />", {
                            html: "<div class='.navbar-inverse .navbar-inner'>" + html + "</div>"

    window.confirm = function (message, callback, caption) {
        caption = caption || 'Confirmación'

            title: caption,
            'class': 'dialog'
            buttons: {
                "Aceptar": function () {
                    if (callback && typeof(callback) == "function"){
                    return true;
                "Cancelar": function () {
                    if (callback && typeof(callback) == "function"){
                    return false;
            close: function () {
            draggable: false,
            modal: true,
            resizable: false,
            width: 'auto'
           my: "center",
           at: "center",
           of: window

    return this;

$(function ()

The point here is that I do call callback(true) or callback(false) this way I can write a callback function that use the result as a parameter of the function itself

So in my code I can do:

confirm("Are you sure?", function(result){
    if (result){
       //Perform ajax call

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