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C# Wpf surfaceusercontrol Contact Events not firing

I have a SurfaceWindow . In it is a Scatterview with a ScatterViewItem and in the Scatterviewitem is a viewbox which contains the SurfaceUserControl . I added some ContactEvents to the control like ContactDown , Contactup , ContactTapGesture , etc (and the Preview versions of the events).

The only events fired are contactdown and leave. On the Scatterviewitem the other events work too.

Someone know why?

Sorry that i cant show you any code. I'm on work and for some reason the proxy is blocking the login to this site. I'm writing this with my phone.

<s:SurfaceWindow x:Class="WeltkarteSurface.SurfaceWindow1"
    Title="WeltkarteSurface" mc:Ignorable="d" xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" Height="768" Width="1024" SizeToContent="Manual" Loaded="SurfaceWindow_Loaded" >
        <s:ScatterView x:Name="MainScatterView" Background="#FFB4DCFC">
            <s:ScatterViewItem x:Name="MainScatterViewItem" MinWidth="1024" MinHeight="768" Center="512,384" CanRotate="False" Width="1024" Height="768" Background="Transparent" ScatterManipulationDelta="MainScatterViewItem_ScatterManipulationDelta" >
                        <Viewbox x:Name="MainViewbox">
                            <uc:MainMap PreviewContactTapGesture="MainMap_PreviewContactTapGesture" ContactTapGesture="MainMap_ContactTapGesture"></uc:MainMap>

This is my Surfacewindow Code. The PreviewContactTapGesture and ContactTapGesture events on MainMap work only if they arent in the Scatterviewitem.


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