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How to Create ASP.Net Chart Control from Database using C#

I am working on a web app(Asp.Net) and need to draw a chart which is using data from database. In debug mode, I can retrieve data from database but when try to add chart

chart proporties-> dataSourceId -> SqlDataSource.. connectionstring is ok

Then I get this

The data provide 'FirebirdSql.Data.Firebird.Client' could not be found in the system configuration. unable to find the requested .NetFramework Data Provider. it may not be installed.

Why I am getting this and how to fix it? Thanks.

This is most probably to do with the version of Firebird. Check your machine.config file for these lines:


    <section name="FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient" type="System.Data.Common.DbProviderConfigurationHandler, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />

What it should be:

    <section name="firebirdsql.data.firebirdclient" type="System.Data.Common.DbProviderConfigurationHandler, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />

Your machine.config file can be found at these locations (x86 or x64):





I think you only need to edit the 32 bit version of the machine.config file as VS 2010 is 32-bit only I believe.

Try these things first and hopefully you'll find a fix!

EDIT; try reinstalling Firebird, download the latest version and uninstall all instances of Firebird from your computer beforehand


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