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Z-index not working with jquery css

How is it that this works:

      top: "4%",
      left: "2%",
      height: "92%",
      width: "96%"

and this breaks all the javascript:

      top: "4%",
      left: "2%",
      height: "92%",
      width: "96%",
      z-index: "5"

You have to define like this:

"z-index": "5"

Or uppercase if you don't want to define in quotes:

zIndex: "5"

Try this

      top: "4%",
      left: "2%",
      height: "92%",
      width: "96%",
      'z-index': "5"

and reason is when we use css in jQuery we have to write like this if the word has space in between words

您可以看到以下内容:204行的jQuery Source Code

"zIndex": true

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