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Javascript to Read/Count Sharepoint 2010 List Items

I am having a lot of trouble with this. Essentially, I am trying to count the number of times Decommission appears in a particular list column. From what I can tell, the javascript is correct, but it doesn't work. Can anyone provide some guidance? Thanks!

<script type="text/javascript">
                        var myItems = null;
                        var siteUrl = &apos;https://chartiscorp.sp.ex3.secureserver.net/&apos;

                        function SuperDuper()
                            var queryString = &apos;<View><Query><Where><Gt><FieldRef name="End State" /><Value Type="String">Decommission</Value></Gt></Where></Query></View>&apos;;
                            var myContext = new SP.ClientContext(siteUrl);
                            var myWeb = myContext.get_web();
                            var myList = myWeb.get_lists().getByTitle(&apos;System_Information&apos;);
                            var myQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();

                            myItems = myList.getItems(myQuery);

                            myContext.load(myItems,&apos;Includes(End State)&apos;);

                        function SuperDuperFail(sender, args)
                            alert(&apos;Failed &apos; + args.get_message());

                        function SuperDuperSuccess(sender, args)
                            var endStateEnumerator = myItems.getEnumerator();
                            var decommCount = 0;

                                //var currentEndState = endStateEnumerator.get_current();
                                decommCount = decommCount + 1;


                        window.onload = SuperDuper;

What is the error? Have you tried to see the script error it is throwing?

In function SuperDuperSuccess() you can simply put

 var count=0;

No need to write while loop .

Pls try to put alert and after some line and see what is coming.

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