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AES file encryption with .Net Framework and decrypt it with IOS

We encrypt PDFs using AESManaged algorithm implemented in .NET framework. I used the example explained in here to implement C# code to encrypt the file. Now I need to decrypt that file using an iPhone application.(That is the requirement). So I use the this code to do that but decryption failed by returning an error.

'Error Domain=CommonCryptoErrorDomain Code=-4304 "Decode Error" UserInfo=0x127356c0 {NSLocalizedFailureReason=Input data did not decode or decrypt correctly, NSLocalizedDescription=Decode Error'

Can some one help me to resolve this issue.

We use 12345678 as encryption key.


Technically this should work though I've never tested it, both methods uses the same ad-hoc format.

Encrypt using my authenticated encryption example .

//use your secret data you want to encrypt instead.
String secretMessage = "Message";

var rnCryptorHeader = new Byte[]{
                            2, //RNCryptor Format version 2
                            0  //RNCryptor Uses password

//encryptedString is base64 encoded
var encryptedString = AESThenHMAC.SimpleEncryptWithPassword(secretMessage, 

Then Decrypt using RNCryptor and NSData+Base64 for IOS

//This is the encrypted data passed from .net
NSString *encryptedString = @"AgE8C9E7gsfyOAmSotIOgyLQ0O6mdcuMXXjN/iZa3azym4KVWZAkfykIP6mqMt/qkpfftdB3XQhMkoxtQEM+rA0iHxOvZiNlmA2KJtg6BOnmlg==";

NSData *encryptedData = [NSData dataFromBase64String: encryptedString];
NSError *error;
NSData *decryptedData = [RNDecryptor decryptData:encryptedData
NSString *secretMessage = [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:decryptedData
                                                 encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];

Since you aren't dealing with strings and are dealing with bytes directly, just remove the Base64 and utf8 encoding/decoding from this objective-c example and the linked c# example, once you are sure this is working.

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