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Defining a function using a function typedef in C++

I am implementing a service in Windows. VisualStudio 2012 has the following function typedef:

    DWORD dwNumServicesArgs,
    LPWSTR *lpServiceArgVectors

There is also a function pointer typedef:

    DWORD   dwNumServicesArgs,
    LPWSTR  *lpServiceArgVectors

How do I define a function with this function signature, using the typedef?

Quoting the current C++ Standard (C++11):


A typedef of function type may be used to declare a function but shall not be used to define a function (8.4). [Example:

 typedef void F(); F fv; // OK: equivalent to void fv(); F fv { } // ill-formed void fv() { } // OK: definition of fv

—end example ]

That is, you can declare but not define the function using that typedef . You have to specify the signature explicitly, see Alex Farber's answer.

To some extent, you can use the typedef to "define" the function, but it involves some template magic. It's a just-for-fun example to show that you can actually use it to define a function.

// extra definitions for SSCCE
  typedef unsigned int DWORD;
  typedef wchar_t* LPWSTR;
  #define VOID void
  #define WINAPI

// function ptr
    DWORD   dwNumServicesArgs,
    LPWSTR  *lpServiceArgVectors

// function typedef
    DWORD dwNumServicesArgs,
    LPWSTR *lpServiceArgVectors

template < typename... TT >
struct disassemble_funcptr
template < typename Ret, typename... Args >
struct disassemble_funcptr < Ret(Args...) >
    typedef Ret return_type;

    static Ret Func(Args...)
        /* your code here */

// using the typedef SERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTIONW to define the function
  & disassemble_funcptr < SERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTIONW > :: Func;

int main()
    LPWSTR str = nullptr;
    my_func_ptr(42, &str);

A function cannot be defined (or declared) using a typedef . It has to be defined in the conventional way. eg

void foo (type1 t1, type2 t2) // t1 and t2 are objects which can be ... 
{                             // ... visible only in conventional way

Function pointer typedef can declare function pointer, which can be assigned with the function's address:

typedef void (*PF)(type1, type2);
PF pf = &foo;

You don't need (and cannot) use typedef in a function definition. To make a service main function, just write:

VOID WINAPI SvcMain( DWORD dwNumServicesArgs, LPWSTR *lpServiceArgVectors )
    // ...

LPSERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTIONW is used internally by Windows to call every service start point. Generally, you need function pointer typedef to call, and not to define a function.

With C++11, you can use the the fact that lambdas with empty capture lists are convertible to function pointers to declare and define a function that matches a function typedef in one expression, eg:

using my_function_t = void(*)(int,int);

my_function_t add_function = [](int x, int y) { return x + y; };

This can be accomplished by inverting the attempted approach.

  • Define a macro which expands to the desired type
#define defLedClkFunc(name)   void (name)(uint16_t led)
  • Use the macro to define your typedef
typedef defLedClkFunc(tLedClkFunction);
  • Use the macro when declaring the function implementation
// Declaration of first function
  // Body of first function
} // ledClkEnable()

// Declaration of second function
  // Body of second function
} // ledClkDisable()

// Create an array of pointers to the functions
tLedClkFunction *myFuncs[] = {

Now you have a single-point definition of the function signature, and any changes to the signature propagate through all of the typedefs and function declarations.

I find this incredibly useful for defining sets of functions (eg interrupt handlers, message handlers).

In addition, the macro makes it trivial to change * all function names if someone decides they should all have some arbitrary prefix and/or suffix. Just use token pasting as part of the macro definition and paste the desired prefix/suffix around name .

You do need to remember the data type created in order to manipulate pointers to the functions, but even that could be auto-adapted with a trivial amount of additional macro-magery.

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