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sending user back to previous page after submitting web form on current page, .net

On a .net site, is there an easy way to send someone back to the last page they were on before they posted back a form on the current page without some sort of overwrought breadcrumb system? I know that sounds a bit confusing, but lets say you're on Page1.aspx. You go to Page2.aspx, which has a web form. You fill out the web form which posts back to itself. After the postback, I want to send them back to whatever page they were on first, in this case : Page1.aspx. Page1.aspx is obviously variable.

I started playing with some javascript using history.go(), but I wasn't able to get it to work properly. Any suggestions?

Use the Request.UrlReferrer Property as described here:

Navigate to Previous Page in ASP.NET(Request.UrlReferrer)

You can send the page that must return as a url parameter, just like login module do.

Eg, you go to the page2.aspx with this url page2.aspx?RetPage=Page1.aspx and when you finish with the page2, you get the RetPage and redirect to whatever value you have set there.

You could pass the referrer (Page1.aspx) to Page2.aspx. Page2.aspx then uses a hidden input-field, containing the referrer.
When the visitor submits the form from Page2 (to itself), the form-handler then receives the referrer and could set it as a http-equiv="refresh" in the resulting page.

    <title>Form Result</title>      
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;URL='Page1.aspx'" />    
    <p>Thank you for your input, you will automatically return to
       <a href="Page1.aspx/">the previous page in 5 seconds.</a>.</p> 

By changing the timeout to more than 0 seconds the user can still read the result before he is automatically sent back to the page he came from.

Hope this helps!

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