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Calling A Tool From Another Form to Another?

im working on a code-editor(winforms) and Im just wondering if its possible to call a specific box from a form to another?

sample for this set of codes:

int line = 1 + richTextBox1.GetLineFromCharIndex(richTextBox1.GetFirstCharIndexOfCurrentLine());
int column = 1 + richTextBox1.SelectionStart - richTextBox1.GetFirstCharIndexOfCurrentLine();
label1.Text = "line: " + line.ToString() + ", column: " + column.ToString();

***code above was inside a timer which calls the count of line and column in a richtextbox like in lower rightpart of actual code editor .

now im just wondering if its possible to call the label that displays to the main form and will display to another but will still run .

like in mainform theres the code for richtextbox and on other form it should have the code of label that connects to the mainform .

my question is it possible to call a tool function from another form to another?

hope you could help me, really in need and thanks a lot!

As long as you have a reference to that form toolbox, just expose that Label / TextBox or whatever you want to change via a public property and set it from your context.

public class ToolBox : ToolBoxBase
   public CustomLabel
         return label1.Text;
         label1.Text = value;

private ToolBox toolbox;
void ShowToolBox()
   toolbox.CustomLabel = "New label";

As I'm not even sure what technology the question refers to I added a poor pseudo example to get you the idea. The InitToolBox method initializes the toolbox and displays it, and sets the field toolbox with a reference to it.

If the other form runs on another thread, then you'll have to invoke the label setter asynchronously. See this question for more instructions.

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