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In PHP, how do I call master class functions to different pages?

I have master class for the whole project. I need to call master class functions to different pages and methods as described below:


class master{

    function login_parser(){




function test(){
    $obj = new master();

function test2(){
    obj = new master();

I need to call object for every method. Is there any way to call an object in single time?

You could give that object as a parameter to the function, so it's also clear that there is a dependency to this object which can also be typehinted (which gets lost if just using it via global)

$obj = new master();

function test(master $obj) {

and then call:


There are a lot of ways to achieve this

Tobias Zander gave the option of parameters (dependency injection)

pros: know what the function needs

cons: could end up with giving a lot of parameters to a function

$obj = new master();

function test(master $obj) {

The second way could be using globals

pros: no paramter chain

cons: don't know what dependencies the function has

$obj = new master();

function test(){
    global $obj; //Now carry on

The third way, singleton

pros: object orientated way

cons: dont know the dependencies

In this your master class needs a static function that returns itself

class Master
    protected static $master ;

    public static function load()
        if(!self::$master instanceof Master) {
            self::$master = new Master();

        return self::$master;

Now i can use the master every where in my script using the load function, and it will only be initiated once

function test()
    $master = Master::load();

I personaly use method 1, but than for a class class Test { protected $master;

    public function __construct(Master $master) 
        $this->master = $master;

    public function whoo()
        // now I can use $this->master as the master class

Yes, Instead of creating object everytime. Create on outside the functions on global scope.

$obj = new master();

function test(){
    global $obj; //Now carry on

function test2(){
    global $obj;

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