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Unit Testing WCF Service is launching

I'm new to WCF. I've created a basic service and engineer tested it with the debugger and WCFTestClient. I've never written my own WCF client. Now I need to build unit tests for the service.

My classes:


(Yes, I know the C prefix does not meet current standards, but it is required by my client's standards.)

My service functionality can be tested directly against XService , but I need to test CServiceLauncher as well. All I want to do is connect to a URI and discover if there is a service running there and what methods it offers.

Other questions I read:

Test outline:

    public void StartUiTest()
        Uri baseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:8080/MyService");
        string soapAddress = "soap";
        IUserInterface target = new CServiceLauncher(baseAddress, soapAddress);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, target.StartUi());
            /// @todo Assert.IsTrue(serviceIsRunning);
            /// @todo Assert.IsTrue(service.ExposedMethods.Count() > 4);
            Assert.Inconclusive("This tells us nothing about the service");

I just needed to build a simple client.

Reference: http://webbeyond.blogspot.com/2012/11/wcf-simple-wcf-client-example.html

  1. Add Service Reference to test project
  2. Add to test file:

    using System.ServiceModel;

    using MyTests.ServiceReferenceNamespace;

Code inside try is now:

            Assert.AreEqual(true, target.StartUi());
            XServiceClient client = new XServiceClient();
            Assert.AreEqual(CommunicationState.Opened, client.State, "Wrong communication state after first call");

It's not a real answer so please take it easy.

I have been trying to do similar things and what I have learnt that integration testing is difficult. It is difficult because there are many hidden tasks that you need to do, such as:

  • Make sure you can run the tests regularly
  • Make sure integration tests can run on the test environment
  • Maintain different config files, as your environment will be different from the test one
  • Configure the thing that would automate running of integration tests (CI)
  • Pray there will be no changes to the paths, test environment, config, hosting platforms etc
  • Fight security permissions, as usually test thing is not able to host WCF services without admin permissions
  • Maintain your test harness

To me, this was huge headache and little gain. Don't get me wrong, integration testing is a positive thing, it just requires a lot of time to develop and support.

What have I learnt? Is that do not bother with integration testing of WCF services. Instead I write a lot of unit-tests, to test the contract, state and behaviour. By covering those, I can become sure in a quality of software. And I fight integration of WCF during deployment. This is usually a single battle to configure environment or VM and then next time, deployment goes nice and smooth in an (semi-)automated manner.

Most people would also automate deployment with Chef and alike, those tools can fully configure environment and deploy WCF service.

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