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Play framework 2 tag compilation error

I am new to Play framework 2 and I am trying to implement a simple tag supported by a Java class. But I can not get working because I am getting a compilation error

compilation error on the browser illegal start of simple expression In \\app\\views\\tags\\security.scala.html at line 3.

tag file views/tags/security.scala.html

@import helpers.SecurityHelper._
@if(restricted (@session().get("roles"),@roles)==true){

Helper class code package helpers;

public class SecurityHelper {
    public static boolean restricted(String userRoles, String ressourceRoles) {
        String[] roles = userRoles.split("_");
        boolean b = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < roles.length; i++) {
            if (roles[i].indexOf(ressourceRoles) != -1) {
                b = true;
        return b;

how I want to use it: in my other template, I call the tag as follow:


I can't figure out the problem, any suggestion? Thanks

maybe you need write next first line of html-file:

@(roles:String, body:Html)(implicit session: Session)

and not "@session" in if-statement, "session" enough

but I need more information about errors

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