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Finding identical rows in subgroups with data.table

My table has two IDs. I'd like, for each value of the 1st ID, to find whether two rows with different value of the 2nd ID are identical (excluding the column of the 2nd ID..). A table very similar (but much much smaller) then mine is:


DT <- data.table(id   = rep(LETTERS, each=10),
                 var1 = rnorm(260),
                 var2 = rnorm(260))

DT[, id2 := sample(c("A","B"), 10, T), by=id] # I need this to simulate different 
                                              # distribution of the id2 values, for
                                              # each id value, like in my real table

setkey(DT, id, id2)

DT$var1[1] <- DT$var1[2] # this simulates redundances
DT$var2[1] <- DT$var2[2] # inside same id and id2

DT$var1[8] <- DT$var1[2] # this simulates two rows with different id2
DT$var2[8] <- DT$var2[2] # and same var1 and var2. I'm after such rows!

> head(DT, 10)
    id           var1           var2 id2
 1:  A  0.11641260243  0.52202152686   A
 2:  A  0.11641260243  0.52202152686   A
 3:  A -0.46631312530  1.16263285108   A
 4:  A -0.01301484819  0.44273945065   A
 5:  A  1.84623329221 -0.09284888054   B
 6:  A -1.29139503119 -1.90194818212   B
 7:  A  0.96073555968 -0.49326620160   B
 8:  A  0.11641260243  0.52202152686   B
 9:  A  0.86254993530 -0.21280899589   B
10:  A  1.41142798959  1.13666002123   B

I'm currently using this code:

res <- DT[, {a=unique(.SD)[,-3,with=F]   # Removes redundances like in row 1 and 2
                                         # and then removes id2 column.
             !identical(a, unique(a))},  # Looks for identical rows
          by=id]                         # (in var1 and var2 only!)

> head(res, 3)
   id    V1
1:  A  TRUE

Everything seems to work, but with my real table (almost 80M rows and 4,5M of unique(DT$id) ) my code takes 2,1 hours.

Has anybody got some tips to speed up the code above? Am I eventually not following the best practices needed to benefit from the data.table capabilities? Thanks anyone in advance!


some timings to compare my code with @Arun 's:

DT <- data.table(id   = rep(LETTERS,each=10000),
                 var1 = rnorm(260000),
                 var2 = rnorm(260000))

DT[, id2 := sample(c("A","B"), 10000, T), by=id] # I need this to simulate different 


> system.time(unique(DT)[, any(duplicated(.SD)), by = id, .SDcols = c("var1", "var2")])
   user  system elapsed 
   0.48    0.00    0.49 
> system.time(DT[, {a=unique(.SD)[,-3,with=F]   
+                   any(duplicated(a))}, 
+    by=id])
   user  system elapsed 
   1.09    0.00    1.10 

I think I got what I wanted!

How about this?

unique(setkey(DT))[, any(duplicated(.SD)), by=id, .SDcols = c("var1", "var2")]

It takes about 140 seconds to set the key on my "slow" machine. And the actual grouping is still going on... :)

This is the huge data I'm testing on:

DT <- data.table(id = rep(1:4500000, each=10), 
                 var1 = sample(1000, 45000000, replace=TRUE), 
                 var2 = sample(1000, 45000000, replace=TRUE))
DT[, id2 := sample(c("A","B"), 10, TRUE), by=id]

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