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Continuously send the content of a file through a server socket with netcat

I have a linux machine which is listening for connections on port 4450. Where there is an incomming connection, this is supposed to send continuously over the socket the content of a file. Did you do this before ? What I've done so far was to send once the content of the file like this:

x=$(filename); echo $x | nc -l 4450

On the client side I have an Android app, which connects to the server and then using a BufferedReader gets the data from the stream and processes it.

Any help would be highly appreciated.


Use socat instead of netcat (nc). With socat you can do almost everything that can be done with netcat . But socat has a lot more features and is easier to use.

socat TCP-LISTEN:4450,fork OPEN:/tmp/filename,rdonly

You can also use the output of a command instead of some file contents:

socat TCP-LISTEN:4450,fork EXEC:/bin/date

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