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Access EJB from different WAR in JBoss AS via injection

My Project structure is as follows

JBoss AS 7.1.3.Final-redhat-4

A war VWeb.war which contains an EJB , when VWeb is deployed I get the following


I have got another war (ControlWeb-portlet.war) which is a liferay project and I am trying to access the above EJB within a bean from ControlWeb-portlet . The bean is @ViewScoped This has been done based on a link found here

I have tried all these combinations but nothing seems to work

QService qService;

QService qService;

QService qService;

QService qService;

QService qService;

I kept an EJB in the same project ControlWeb-portlet which is deployed as follows


and I am able to inject the EJB with

CdiServiceImpl cdiServiceImpl;

Is there anything specific that I have to while accessing an EJB from a different WAR

Thanks in advance


Apparently I answered this question on the JBoss forums a while ago. Since it was marked as the correct answer there, I thought I'd reproduce it here as well.

I got it to work using the following approach:

First, define EJBs as resources using the @Produces annotation:

public class Resources {
          @EJB(lookup = "java:global/.../WhateverService")
          private WhateverService whateverService;

Then, inject the EJB resources in your bean using the @Inject annotation:

// ...
private WhateverService whateverService;
// ...

Works like a charm. I'm also using a similar CDI view scope approach.


One possible fix is to add a dependency to VWeb.war into the jboss-deployment-structure.xml file in the second war. Which would look like this:

      <module name="deployment.VWeb.war" />

If that doesn't work you could also try a workaround described here .
(Create a @Stateless EJB in ControlWeb-portlet.war which injects the required bean via @EJB and then exposes this via producer methods, which allow you to use @Inject in the final destination.)

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