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mousemove event is triggered onscroll even when mouse was not moved on Chrome

I was trying to answer an issue with custom drop down, but challenged by an inconsistent behavior in Chrome and Firefox.

DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/fyeht/ [Added scroll event for more clarity]

See below image, The list items can be navigated using arrow keys.

To Reproduce the issue:

  1. Open console in Chrome ( F12 )
  2. Click on an item in the list (you would notice some events getting logged in the console)
  3. Use down arrow key to navigate to the next item in the list
  4. Finally, the issue is noticed when you reach the last item in the view and hitting down arrow would scroll. Check the log to see 'scroll', 'mouse enter' and 'mouse move' [check the new demo]

The issue is after reaching the end of items in view, it scrolls. Even though the mouse is untouched, it triggers mouseenter and mousemove events in Chrome. In FF, on scroll it triggers just the mouseenter which make sense.



  • Why is mousemove triggered when mouse is untouched?
  • Is this just browser inconsistency? Could not find documentation on events triggered when scrolling? (never knew it did)

Submitted a bug report: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=241476

In your example, I see that both Chrome and FF are firing mouseenter DOM events whenever the mouse is left hovering over the <ul> and pressing the key down triggers the browser to scroll in order to bring the selected <li> into view.

However, only Chrome is additionally triggering mousemove events. One obvious difference already in the mouseenter event objects that the two throw is that for Chrome, MouseEvent.offsetX and MouseEvent.offsetY values are included, whereas in FF these properties are undefined . So, when that enter is triggered Chrome has already decided the mouse "has moved".

Since the MouseEvent.screenX and MouseEvent.screenY event context values do not change between scroll-triggered MouseEvent instances, one could perhaps distinguish between an "artificial" mouseenter / mousemove event and an "authentic" one by storing these values from prior events.

DOM Event Specification

The DOM Level 2 Event Specification for mousemove reads:

The mousemove event occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element.

The Level 3 spec (working draft) is essentially the same:

A user agent must dispatch this event when a pointing device is moved while it is over an element.

Seems like it could down to whether one interprets "is moved" relatively or not.

Also, in the section of the Level 3 spec on mouse event order , it states that when a pointer is moved into an element, it triggers mouseover , mouseenter , and mousemove , in that order. Every case that is specified there always has those three together, so perhaps one might interpret it that if you are going to trigger the mouseenter event, you should also be triggering the mousemove event which corresponds to entering the element.

I really doubt there's a browser inconsistency here. You should create a mousemove event that prints out the x and y coordinate. You'll probably see that the mouse has indeed moved a little bit. If that's the case, try using the plugin hoverIntent to eliminate issues like this.


Using the up and down arrow keys, I'm now able to replicate the issue. Yeah, it sure looks like some kind of bug! I bet the mousemove coordinate delta is tiny. Maybe the cursor moves one or two pixels? I would say, to overcome this, add a check to the mousemove function that compares previous mousemove's xy coordinates to the current mousemove's xy coordinates. Determine if it's more than just a few pixels. If so, you know it's a real mousemove. If it's less, you can chalk that up as a chrome bug.


It seems like you uncovered a bug where mousemove is being fired in chrome when it probably shouldn't be. There may be workarounds that you could figure out if you hack it enough. But the best solution might be just to avoid using mousemove in this situation. In general, mousemove is one of those expensive events that should be used only when you really need it.

This is a nice demo. In Chrome mouse movement for elements is definitely relative. In chrome I can get keydown and scroll events only if the mouse pointer is over the scroll bar. I can also get scroll only events if i use the wheel to scroll and leave the mouse over the scroll bar. It is and isn't very odd that scroll by dragging causes "mouse move", and "mouse over" events.

Not only are mouse move and mouse over events produced in profusion by the browser they are not a very good indication of a users intent. Infact these events are a useful entropy source. To the degree that there are some minor differences this is in the context of how useful these "micro events" are individually. To work with them you must devise a way to filter them for user intention you want to link to higher level actions. Any reasonable method you choose to make sense of these events will probably detect these move - on scroll events as garbage. This is where your point is really worth noting and taking under consternation. A first stage would be to Filter out events based on the elements and values of coordinates. It might help to create a state machine model. You might register and registered handlers in response to other events. You've identified this case where you'd want to change responsive state if or reaction criteria if a key element has a scroll bar. IF an element or it's parent has a vertical scroll bar throw out mouse moves with relatively high X values.

You might want to also ignore mouse overs if it's fired with a mouse move in that context. It starts to become impractical to handle each of these micro event one at a time even if you are changing state by registering or deregistering handlers. More information can be extracted by creating an event sequence fifo buffer. Register event handlers to add a new event to the buffer. You might also want to collect information from timer events in this buffer to establish more context. You might create an object that keeps a fifo in an array. This would be like a queue but not in the sense of it being a place where the events are waiting to be processed. Instead your program is waiting to calculate patterns in the buffer and based on the patterns fire higher level events, accept or reject different types of events and extend, contract or save the contents of the buffer. You can then evaluate move events for changes in x and y and also create conditions given the patter of scroll mouse over and mouse move events you've demonstrated.

This is not a bug. The mousemove is relative to element that the event is attached to. In your case, you see that your mouse is not moving because you took the browser window as the reference. But for that scrolling list, whenever the list is scrolled, the mouse pointing over some element of the list moved to over different element

Imagine that you as the Earth, a cup of coffee stand still on a table as the mouse, the scrollable list as the Sun : if you (window) don't move, the position of the cup of coffee (mouse) is at the same place for you; but for the Sun (list), it will see that the Earth and the cup of coffee are both moving.

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