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Vector shape rasterization in C++

I am looking for an efficient algorithm or library capable of rasterizing 2d shape defined by a set of lines and curves. So far, what I found do the reverse from what I need ,others are overkill (ImageMagic ,Cairo) .I am interested in a compact utility. Anyone can point out to the right direction?

Rasterization of 2d shapes is not a trivial matter, especially if it includes Bézier curves. Here are some libraries you may want to try:

See also

You're looking for "vectorization," and you can find quite a bit of it around by googling:

potrace is probably what you want: http://potrace.sourceforge.net/

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vectorization_(image_tracing) http://autotrace.sourceforge.net/ http://inkscape.org/

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