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JMS Broker Options for CloudBees?

Does CloudBees offer any JMS hosting or any 3rd party JMS hosting (like IronMQ)? After perusing their Partner Ecosystem pages and developers docs, I don't see anything of the sort. I'd like to deploy a web app to CloudBees but will need messaging, and something like RabbitMQ or ActiveMQ.

I know I could always ship my WAR with an embedded instance of ActiveMQ running inside of it, but that kind of defeats the purpose of scalability in my mind: the harder the queues are working, the slower my app is going to become, and it would be nice to delegate the messaging work to a broker residing on another machine.

Also, it would be most sweet if such a messaging service had a free tier like so many of the other CloudBees tech partners offer...

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

There is no official partner (yet) to provide messaging service, but you for sure can use a SaaS MQ service from your cloudbees application, even not being an official partner, for sample http://www.cloudamqp.com/ to get RabbitMQ -as-a-service, Iron.io or Amazon SQS. The only consideration is to ensure this service is hosted on Amazon, so your application won't suffer network latencies to access the MQ broker - most SaaS run on AWS anyway

free tier option is another consideration, depends on partner business model... (CloudAMQP has one)

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