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Bookmarklet not finding input box

I have made a bookmarklet that should highlight the password and username box on a webpage. It finds the password box, and seems to be locating the text box that is before it, but then it stops working. Here is my code:

<a href="javascript:var boxes= $(':text, :password');var selectionBox = $(':password'); selectionBox.css('background','red');for(var i = 0; i < boxes.length;i++){alert('loop');if(boxes[i] == selectionBox[0]){alert('Username box found');boxes[i-1].css('background','blue');alert('Success!');}}">Password box highlighter</a>

I get an alert box saying 'loop' a couple of times, then 'Username box found', but then it stops working on the next line, and no 'Success!' alert box. Does anybody know what I am doing wrong? Thanks.

EDIT: Here is the code spread out:

var boxes= $(':text, :password');
var selectionBox = $(':password');
for(var i = 0; i < boxes.length;i++){
 if(boxes[i] == selectionBox[0]){
  alert('Username box found');

You're using boxes[i-1] (which is the same as using .get(i-1) ) to get a DOM element from the jQuery collection. Try using .eq() :


DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/HsDCs/3/

If you checked your browser's console, you would've seen that it was complaining that css isn't a property/method for that element.


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