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Compressing Javascript & CSS using Gzip

OK, the question may sound familiar - and I've read answers about it everywhere BUT (before you point me to some other answer) none of that has worked for me (htaccess modifications, gzip-ping beforehand, etc) .

So, let me explain you the situation :

  • My website is CodeIgniter-based
  • I'm using XAMPP on Mac (for development purposes), so my actual testing address is something like http://localhost/~drkameleon/mysitename
  • The only .htaccess file I've edited (and that, only for CI-oriented rewritting) resides on the very same directory as my CI installation

So, how do I enable JS/CSS gzip compression? (I don't really care even if the scripts are pre-compressed, they're 100% static anyway...)

I have this through a controller that loads the css and javascript files in two different functions, then run this:

if (substr_count($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip'))
else ob_start();

// headers

// output


Seems to be doing the trick for me.

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