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Issue to build mupdf library for android

I follow this to build mupdf library.

But I got the following error message at step 3: make generate

LINK build/debug/cmapdump ld: library not found for -lX11 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) make: * [build/debug/cmapdump] Error 1

I found a few questions about the mupdf compilation in stack overflow. But I could not find any one similar to my problem.

By the way, my environment is:

  1. Mac 10.8.3
  2. NDK r8e
  3. mupdf 1.2

Any suggestion? Thanks

There is an oversight in the makefiles. Until it is fixed, run the generate step like this:

make generate NOX11=yes

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